Abstract View

Author(s): Aishwariya Shukla, Shobhana Ramteke, Bharat Lal Sahu, Manas Kanti Deb

Email(s): shubrmtk21@gmail.com

Address: School of Studies in Environmental Science, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur-492010, CG, India.
School of Studies in Environmental Science, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur-492010, CG, India.
Department of Chemistry, Guru Ghasidas Central University, Bilaspur, CG 495009, India.
School of Studies in Environmental Science, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur-492010, CG, India.
*Corresponding author: shubrmtk21@gmail.com

Published In:   Volume - 37,      Issue - 2,     Year - 2024

DOI: 10.52228/JRUB.2024-37-2-5  

The current study's goal was to identify the various functional groups found in chrysanthemums using FTIR Spectroscopy. The FTIR spectrometer identifies 4000 series, with a scan range of 4,000–400 cm-1, was used to perform the FTIR analysis. The presence of distinct peak values with various useful mixtures of functional groups, including hydroxy groups (̶ OH), aliphatic, metal carbonyl, alcohols (̶ OH), nitrile (̶ C≡N), phenols, alkynes (CnH2n-2), ketones (C=O), carboxylic acids (R−COOH), amides (̶ CONH2), and aromatics, was revealed by FTIR spectroscopy analysis. The FTIR investigation showed that there were 17 functional groups in the chrysanthemum flowers. The FTIR spectra showed an intense peak that correlated to the hydroxyl groups, phenol alcohol, and aromatic compounds, respectively, at 3348.42 cm-1, 1380.02 cm-1, and 1480.33 cm-1 in various flower species. In light of this, the current investigation found that, in contrast to the extracts of Chrysanthemum flowers' leaves and bark, the flower extract had robust functional groups. FTIR spectroscopy was used to quantitatively analyse the flavonoids, phenolic acids, anthocyanins, and carotenoids present in the nine chrysanthemum cultivars' flowers.

Cite this article:
Shukla, Ramteke, Sahu and Deb (2024). Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) Spectral evaluation in Chrysanthemum flower species. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 37(2), pp. 39-45. DOI:DOI: https://doi.org/10.52228/JRUB.2024-37-2-5


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