Aims and Scope
The Journal of Ravishankar University (JRU) Part-B [Science] is published biannually by the Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, India. The main aim of the journal is to publish any aspects of research, both basic and applied, emanating from any branches of science, including agricultural, engineering and medical sciences. The JRU welcomes submission of original scientific research papers, review papers, short communications, book reviews and other reports on activities related to science subject.
Peer Review Process
The Editorial Board of the JRU conducts an initial scrutiny of all submitted manuscripts. All suitable manuscripts are sent to peers for vetting. The process of peer review is double blind. The journal encourages submission of manuscripts via email.
The Editorial Board of the JRU and Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University [the publisher] while make all possible efforts to ensure the accuracy of all the information in published articles, the authors are solely responsible for the accuracy of the information included in their manuscripts. Any views expressed in the publication are the views of the authors only, but not of the Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, India. The onus is on the authors regarding their indulgence in plagiarism.
Notes for Contributors
Research paper(s) should be submitted to: The Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Ravishankar University, School of Studies in Chemistry, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur – 492 010, Chhattisgarh, India.
Authors should send electronic version of their manuscripts to the editor’s office ( Texts in MS-WORD and figures in JPEG (or PPT or TIFT) FORMAT only are acceptable. This also applies to abstract, tables, figure captions and list of references, which are to be typed on separate sheets. It is also mandatory to send a PDF version of the entire MS (electronically) along with the MS-WORD version.
The submission of paper will be held to imply that it represents the result of original research not previously published, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere and that if accepted for the Journal of Ravishankar University, it will not be published elsewhere. Papers should not normally exceed 10000 words.
Papers must be written clearly and concisely in English, the preferred spelling being that of the Concise Oxford Dictionary. They must be typed double spaced with ample margin on all sides on white bond paper of Size (292 x 210) mm2. Main text should be written in the following format:
- Title of the MS: Times New Roman, Bold, 14 font size
- Author(s) name: Times New Roman, Bold, 12 font size
- Affiliation: Times New Roman, Normal, 9 font size
- Main text: Times New Roman, Normal, 10 font size
- Heading: Times New Roman, Bold, 12 font size
- Sub-heading: Times New Roman, Bold, 10 font size
- Sub sub-heading: Times New Roman, Normal, 10 font size
- Keywords, Tables, Figure captions, References and acknowledgement: Times New Roman, Normal, 9 font size
Title page
The first page must bear: (a) the title of the paper, (b) the initials and names of the authors, (c) the name and address of institution where the work was carried out, and (d) a footnote with permanent or present address of the authors, if different from (c). Authors should suggest an abbreviated running title of not more than 50 characters. Title must be specific and should contain words useful for indexing.
All papers must have an abstract of not more than 250 words of the significant result reported in the paper. Each paper requires 5 key words for indexing purpose, which should be typed in a separate line following the abstract.
List of symbols
Authors should attach to the manuscript a complete list of symbols identified typographically not mathematically. This list will not appear in print but it is essential in order to avoid costly corrections at the proof stage.
The text
The paper must be divided into following sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion.
References should be cited in the text by author and year, not by number, e.g. as Taylor (1980) has observed that…. (Taylor, 1988) (Taylor et al., 1988). If there are more than two authors, reference should be the first author followed by et al., in the text but names of all authors must be given in the list of references at the end. References at the end of the paper should be listed alphabetically by author’s names, followed by initials, year of publication, names of the journal (abbreviation in the standard form as specified by the ISI), volume number and number of the first & the last page. Reference to book should include, name(s) of author(s), initials, year of publication, title of the book, edition if not the first, initial and name(s) of editors(s), if any, preceded by ed(s), place of publication, publisher and chapter of pages referred to. Reference to thesis must include the year, the title of the thesis, the degree for which submitted and the University.
Single-authored paper:
Steven, D.M. (1959). Studies on the shoaling behaviour of fishes. I. Responses of two species to changes in illumination and to olfactory stimuli. Journal of Experimental Biology, 36: 261-280.
Two-authored paper:
Varghese, E. and Pati, A.K. (1996). Thermoregulatory spectrum in vertebrates. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 34: 1053-1070.
Multiple-authored paper:
Snekser, J.L., Ruhl, N., Bauer, K. and McRobert, S.P. (2010). The influence of sex and phenotype on shoaling decisions in zebrafish. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 23: 70-81.
Wilson, E.O. (1980). Sociobiology: the new synthesis. The abridged edition. Cambridge, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
Chapter in a book:
Pitcher, T.J. and Parrish, J.K. (1993). Functions of shoaling behaviour in teleosts. In: The Behaviour of Teleost Fishes. 2nd edn (T.J. Pitcher, ed.), pp. 363-440. London, Chapman and Hall.
Ph.D. Thesis/ M.Phil. Dissertation:
Sharma, S.K. (1990). Photoconductivity of some semiconducting compounds. Ph. D. Thesis, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur.
Mathematical material
Equations must be clearly written each on its own line well away from the text. All equations must be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals with the number in parentheses near the right hand margin. Authors must indicate wherever special characters (Greek, German script, scalar, vector, tension, matrix etc.) are required.
Standard international units (e.g., 10%, 50 ml, 3 g, 9 cm) should be used.
Figure captions must be typed on a separate sheet.
All tables must be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals in the order of appearance in the text. The tables should be self-contained and have a descriptive title. Column headings of tables should be brief. Footnotes to the tables, if any, should be identified by superscript letters and placed at the bottom of the page containing the table.
Footnotes to the text should be avoided as far as possible but when necessary should be numbered consecutively and typed on a separate sheet.
All appendices should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals.
Authors are requested to prepare the manuscript carefully before submitting it for publication to minimize corrections and alterations in the proof stage which increase publication costs.
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