Dinesh Kumar Sahu, R.C. Agrawal
Solid State Ionic Research Laboratory, School of Studies in Physics & Astrophysics
Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur- 492010, Chhatrisgarh, India
Rungta Enuineering College, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.
Published In:
Volume - 27,
Issue - 1,
Year - 2014
Not Available
Solid State Ionic Materials, more specifically referred to as 'Superionic Solids' or 'Fast Ion Conductors' or 'Solid Electrolytes', are pure ion conducting systems with room temperature conductivity close in the range of liquid/aqueous electrolytes. These solid systems, show tremendous technological scopes to develop wide variety of solid state electrochemical power sources, viz .. Batteries, Supercaps, Fuel Cells etc. in All-Solid-State configuration. Solid State Ionic materials are broadly grouped into different class of solid electrolyte phases viz. crystalline/ polycrystalline, glassy/amorphous, 2-phasc composites, polymeric etc. Amongst these, polymer electrolytes attracted considerable attention of researchers in recent years due to their relatively greater technological relevance in the development of All-Solid-State electrochemical power sources in any desired shapes/sizes including mini/micro thin film devices. In the present paper the field of Solid State Ionic has been reviewed briefly along with the progress made in materials designing of different class of solid electrolyte phases, with special mention on polymer electrolyte phase. A brief description has also been made on the techniques commonly employed for characterization of meterials/structural/thermal/ion transport properties of these materials along with their potential applications in various Solid-State-electrochemical power sources. Some of the results of the present research laboratory are also presented and discussed.
Cite this article:
Sahu and Agrawal (2014). Polymer Electrolytes: Potential Solid State Ionic Materials for Electrochemical Device Applications. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 27(1), pp. 1-22.