Geomorphic analysis of Chokra Nala Basin of Kharun river, covering an area of about 230 Sq. Km., was carried out chiefly to determine its morphometric characteristics and drainage pattern. The total length of streams in the area under study was measured as 167.10 Kms., ranging order from 1st IO 4th. The drainage pattern of the basin is of dendritic to subparallel type. The bifurcation ratio ranges between 2 and 7.5, having a mean value of 4.233, indicating that there are some geological control on the drainage patterns, and also suggests a low but extended peak flow of flood discharge basin. A value of 0.7265 drainage density suggests high infiltration and permeabiliity of overlying laterite and underlying limestone, along the course of the nails. The presence of karstification and internal drainage together with a high yield of the tube wells in the limestone terrain also favour high permeability of the carbonate aquifers present in this area. Further, based on the morphometric analysis, the area is characterised by sedimentary formation of permeable nature hence suitable for ground water exploitation.
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Singh and Diwan (1988). Quantitative analysis of watershed geomorphology in Chokra Nala basin, district Raipur, M.P. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 1(1), pp. 63-70.