R.Singh, U.C. Singh
Email ID Not Available
Department of Geology,'Govt. College of Science, Raipur (M.P.)
School of Studies in Earth Science, Jiwaji University, Gwalior (M.P.).
Published In:
Volume - 10,
Issue - 1,
Year - 1997
Not Available
The Quantitative fluvial characteristics of the Jamunia river basin- has been discussed under linear, areal and relief aspects. The above basin is comprised of two smaller sub-basin, the Jamunia nala and the Baruan nala sub-basins. The entire drainage network is spread over laterites, stromatolitic limestone and shales. The limestones of the area are karstic in nature.The available morphometric data ot the basin under investigation are in agreement with Horton's (1945), Strahler (1~52), in respect of law of stream order, stream number and length. The bifurcation ratio is 3.85 which indicates the mature stage of their development. The drainage density of the basin is 0. 13km/km2 which classifies it as low density and ·coarse texture. The low value of stream frequency · (0.405 km/km2) indicates that the stream flows over flat opography. The shape parameters as form factor (0.281 }, Circularity ratio (o.46), Basin elongation (0.59) and Lemniscate (1.0), suggests that the basinrs elongated in shape.
Cite this article:
Singh and Singh (1997). Quantitative Fluvial Characteristics Of The Jamunia River Basin, Distt. Raipur (M.P.). Journal of Ravishankar University, Vol 10, No. B (Science) 1997 pp. 23-35.