Loxmi Jamoh, Angkita Sharma, Pallabi Kalita, Hui Tag
Plant Systematic and Pharmacognosy Research Laboratory, Department of Botany, Rajiv Gandhi University, Rono Hills, Doimukh, Itanagar - 791 112, India
Department of Biotechnology & Chemical Engineering. National Institute of Technology, Itanagar 791 112, India.
Published In:
Volume - 29,
Issue - 1,
Year - 2016
Not Available
Gonostegia hirta (Blume ex Hasskarl) Miquel (Urticaceae family), is a popular wild edible food plant used by the local tribes of Arunachal Himalayan Region of India which is ideally found in weedy places, thickets by ditches and rice field and moist as well as semi-dry secondary forest patches. It is an herbs or sub-shrubs (shrub), perennial used in the treatment of inflammation, ingestion and constipation. The main aim of the study was to examine the pharmacological potential with special reference to the psychopharmacological, toxicity and antipyreticactivities.Gonostegia hirta (Blume ex Hasskarl) Miquel, were collected from Siang District ofArunachal Pradesh (27°43' to 29°20' N latitude and 44°42' to 95 35" E longitude) and crude methanolic extract the plant was tested for their pharmacological activities in in-vivo rat models. The toxicity study showed no mortality up to dose of 2000 mg/kg Anti-pyretic study revealed that the methanolic extract exhibits significant antipyretic activity with thereduction of yeast induced pyrexia temperature from 38.810.5 "C to 36.720.7 "C, with a dose level of 300mg/Kg which was comparable with standard drug paracetamol.Theleafextract of the same plant tested for psychopharmacological activity inphenobarbitone induced maximum sleeping time of 19.812.5 minutes with a dose level of 300mg/Kg have shown no significant psychopharmacological activity when compared with the standard drugchlorpromazine. The results were analyzed and compared statistically using Origin 8 software. The pharmacological efficacies of the leaf extract of Gonostegia hirta (Blume ex Hasskarl) Miquelfrom Arunachal Pradesh shown in the present study revealed no such harmful toxic effect on animal physiology and also no such significant psychopharmacological effect was seen. Therefore, present studies have concluded that traditional wild vegetables species used by the local tribes are safe which validatesits popular use as antipyretic agents as well as food sources by the local communities Arunachal Pradesh.
Cite this article:
Jamoh, Sharma, Kalita and Tag (2016). Pharmacological Activity of Leaf Extract of Gonostegia hirta (BlumeEx Hasskarl) Miquel: A Wild Food Used by the Local People of Arunachal Pradesh, India. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 29(1), pp.176-177.