Kamar is one of the six identified primitive tribes of Madhya Pradesh.196 Kamar preschool children from 42 villages of the Raipur district (M.P.) have been studied for thei1 nutritional status and evaluated by various indices derived from anthropometric measurements. The nutritional status of more than 90% Kamar preschool children was found to be malnourished and most of them severely malnourished. The findings of the present study suggest that Kamar preschool children need nutritional attention and better health care to combat the problem of protein-calorie malnutrition.
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Kumar and Mitra (1993). Assessment of nutritional status among the Kamars of Raipur district (M.P.) with special reference to Nutritional Anthropometry. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 6(1), pp. 19-28.