The present paper describes the petrographic characters of different facies of Charmuria Limestone Formation of Raipur Group around Lohara Durg district Madhya Pradesh. The Charmuria limestones in this area have been divided into tour lithofacies. Lithofacies-A, the lowest one is represented by silty clays, which is conformably overlain by lithofacies-B comprising of white to buff coloured limestones which in tum is overlain by lithofacies-C comprising of phosphates and phosphatic clays, and finally lithofacies-D, represented by grey argillaceous limestones. The lithofaaes ‘A' corresponds to Sirpur clays of Murtl (1987). Potrograph.lcally these lime stones are represented by micrite (90%), pseudospar (6%) and sparry calcite (4%). Three environmentally significant microfades have been recognized, viz.. graded micrite, silly micrite and micrite. These lithofacies have been interpreted as representing deposition in different sub environments of a generally low marginal marine environment comprising Intertidal to shallow subtidal environments.
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Mukherjee and Khan (1989). Petrography and facies analysis of Charmuria limestones (Raipur group) around Lohara, Durg district, Madhya Pradesh. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 2(1), pp. 47-55.