(Zn, Cd) S:Mn:Sm phosphons with varying concentrations of Mn2+ alone and along with 0.1 wt% Sm3+ have been prepared in inert atmoshpher of argon gas. The dependence of EL-brightness on voltage and frequency are investigated. The elbrightness with voltage is found to obey power law dependence over wide range of voltages. However Alfrey-Taylor relation is found to agree over a limited region of voltages infering the existence of Mott-Schottky type barriers in the phosphors. The current-voltage characteristics also support the existence of exhaustion barriers and EL mechanism as an acceleration collision type. An ettempt has been made to Interpret the EL-spectra of doubly activated phosphors which give a strong emission band around 585 nm, a very weak amission band around 525 nm and a shoulder band at 625 nm.
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Nandagawe, Patil, and Lawangar-Pawar (1990). Electroluminescence and electrical properties of (Zn, Cd) S:Mn:Sm luminophors. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 3(1), pp. 64-70.