From the records of evolution medicine is as old as mankind. Originally, tribal people had a connotation of an enquiry into nature, which later was extended to the field of curing diseases. The present study commences with a succinct summary of the ancient tribal medicine and the concepts as found in their traditional approach of curing diseases with the help of medicinal plants, in so far as it has speculation on the functions of the human body. The study narrates the concepts, that has been based on information collected from the experienced tribal people inhabiting in the different regions of Singhbhum, where most backward and poorest tribes like the Birhors, Asurs, Kurwas, Bejiyas, etc, reside, which coincides with the early medieval period. Our ethnocentric study suggests that their medicines must have been a combination of magical, religious and empirical practices. Moreover, a few substances have been supposed to from a part of the Ayurvedic pharmacopeia even today and were probably used as drugs from those times. Their traditional medicines were handed down orally from generation after generation. They explained the state of health and of disease, and the influences of time and season. The bottom line message, as hoped, is that the quick glance through this study will help people to have at least a glimpse of glory, in so far as it may pertain to the science of medicine and the physiological speculations. This study is still on the threshold of understanding. Additionally, the closer we come to each other in the present century, the more we realize our common ancestry, our common heritage and the identity of our aims, aspiration as well as experiences. It will be the spirit of scientific enquiry of this century.
Cite this article:
Sharma, Anand and Kumar (2016). The Medical Heritage of Tribal People in Jharkhand, India. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 29(1), pp.141-142.