This study was undertaken to assess what people know. what people think and what people do? The findings ot the present study are an eye opener and left an impression of one of the most important reason why National Tuberculosis Control Programme has not reached our expectation and even pushed the community to face a
n task in form of multi drug resistant tubercle bacilli? Such type of studies must be made an integral and permanent part
DOTS strategy (A pre-requiite fir the success of any public health programe) and should be conducted periodically of all sections or-,the· society including and most imporlant of the providers of DOTS irrespective of the responsibilities assigned which will make them more committed. which at present is .almost lacking. The findings of such studies will act. CIS PHQS on Which to hang new knowledge and must be incorporated in future health education planning to update the behaviour change communications. "GO QOTS. while concentrating most on making the community. welt acquainted with the various aspects ot Tuberculosis which is the only long lasting and permanent solution for controlling the disease.
Cite this article:
A.K. Bansal (1999). An Assessment Of Tribal and Non-Tribal Community Needs For Tuberculosis Education. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 12(1), pp.37-42.