Mencrche is a major indicator of physical growth and fertility. It is also a marker of puberty, The term menopause shows tliii stoppage of menstruation flow. Reproductive age span of a female starts from onset of menarche and end with menopause. The main factors influencing menarche and menopause are genetic, environmental, nutritional, and soclo-econcrnlc. The present paper attempts to highlight the menarcheal age, menopausal age and reproductive &ge span among the Sawra tribal females o; Chhattisgarh. 'These aspects of demographic traits have been studied among Sawara females from 21 villages of Chhattisgarh. The data were collected among 622 jernales for the study of menarcheal age and 121 females for the study of menopausal age. The mean menarcheal aae is estimated to be 12.96±0.049 years and mean menopausal age is estimated- to. be 45.22±0.101 years. The mean reproductive age span is calculated to be 32.48±0.13 yearn. Present date have been compared with some Indian population.
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Pradhan and Guha (2000). Reproductive Age Span Among The Sawara Tribal Temates Of Chhattisgarh. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 13(1), pp.1-10.