Abstract View

Author(s): Pratap Toppo, PK Joshi, AK Geda

Email(s): neelapratap50@gmail.com

Address: Centre of Excellence on MAPS & NTFP, Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Raipur - 492001, India.

Published In:   Volume - 29,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2016


Chhattisgarh state located centrally in India has approximate 44% forest area of the total Geographical area. It reserves the variety of wild flora and fauna under the presser of biotic and abiotic destructive agencies in the Sanctuary area Assessment of flora is an important for in-situ conservation and deriving diversified uses of valuable flora on a sustainable basis. Dhamtari forest area falls under the category of tropical dry deciduous and tropical moist deciduous forest type. The present investigation describes the conservation status, species diversity and structural variation of a tropical forest of the Area. In the present study, 72 species of herbs and plants belonging to 62 genera and 36 families have been reported. The present study also deals with conservation aspects and protection of medicinal plants and herbs in its natural habitat. Several medicinal plants species of this area are under red listed, rare or endangered. Therefore certain immediate steps under a well- planned strategy should be taken to conserve the rich medicinal plants diversity of the study area. The investigation is of special significance and could help to conserve the loss of diversity over long period. An intensive Ethno botanical survey was conducted in the Dhamtari forest division including the forest area of Dugli, Sihawa and Nagri during the period of 2014 -2015 with a view to study the ethno botanical importance of plant species of the area and to record the diversity of medicinal plants herbs, tree species and conservation strategies. The information was collected with the help of questionnaire from the forest dwellers and traditional healers. The standard plant collection methodology has been followed (Jain and Rao 1977). The present investigation results show that 72 species of plants belonging to 62 genera and 36 families have been reported 12 trees species, 8 shrubs, 12 climbers and 40 herbs are reported high value medicinal purpose. Among them some of these are found abundantly rare and endangered and some are red listed.

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