In almost every part in India. both rural in urban alike a midwifes tip is lower when the new born baby is a girlrather than, a boy. This practice is symptomatic of parenteral attitude towards the girl child by taking in to account the hitch or the community would not admit it right away. the authors, on assessment of nutritional status and non-tribal children sexwise. observed that tribal are equally attention and sincere to the cause of girl child as boys in comparison to their non-tribal counterparts· (Nutritional status is an independent indicator for revealing truth about the status of the girl child). A new curriculum for the schoolers with the objective of 'mindset about gender perspectives must be changed' and fees- free· girl -education (have knowledge. be prosperous) with special rivision for the families living under-poverty line for compensation as incentive of wages, the girl child suppose to earn during her study period. will certainly help in the progress and empowerment of the girls (no amount is high enough to achieve the noble task of the progress and empowerment of the girls). As per trusteeship principle of the Father of the Nation, "Mahatma Gandhi", the affluent class of the society should bear the expenses. incurred on this noble task and the whole amount should be exempted from income tax etc. This will delink the so called generosity of politicians, who are little more than managers of vote bank politics. The infant does not ask mother to reserve milk tor her. it is her due. her right. This is how the rights of the girl must be viewed by the society.
Cite this article:
Bansal, Agarwal and Govila (1999). Satus Of The Girl Child Amongst Tribes and Non-Tribes In The Unreached Rural India. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 12(1), pp.31-36.