Abstract View

Author(s): A.K. Bansal

Email(s): Email ID Not Available

Address: Pt. J.N.M. Medical College, Raipur (M.P.)

Published In:   Volume - 13,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2000

DOI: Not Available

The Planners and Providers are reorganising and restructuring, the population policy, again and again (Which is mere wastege of resources particularly the prec.ious"Time") targetting the innocent people by over looking the facts, knowingly or unknowingly,That ofter it is they themselves from top to the grass root level, responsible for this sorry state of affairs not the innocent people, as generally blamed in stereotype speeches and writings. To gear up the machinery and to make the family planning success which is the need of the hour, the author among other things, suggest the followings: (1) There is a strong and immediate need to unearth the factors responsible for the negative attitude of the planners and providers by taking in to account the hitch or they would not admit it right away, then only they can be helped to develop positive understanding and insights which facilitate their actions for the success of the programme. (2) The site of the activities of assistent professors. Health Education -. working under A.1.H.P.P. Programme MUST BE IN. AND AROUND Post Partum Ward not the Deptt. of cummunity Medicine, to fully utilize their skills for which they have been paid. (3)Before joining the first year classes, all students selected for admission in Medical,Aayurvedic, Homoeo-Pathic, Unani and Nursing Schools/Colleges must undergo an intensive training to make them familiar with the basic concepts of population policy especially with the various methods of family planning, because the time they have be.en selected for admission, the people of their vicinity, look upon them as Doctors and try to seek advice or they themselves can guide whenever and where ever the opportunities arises.

Cite this article:
Bansal (2000). SITUATION ANALYSIS OF FAMILY WELFARE PROGRAMME. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 13(1), pp.48-52.

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