The pegmatites of Tongpal area are mostly barren and highly weathered. Four zones have been recognized. Vein bodies commonly have discordant relationship and show pinch and swell structures. The contact between pegmatite and host rock i1S more or less sharp. Deformational effects have been recorded mainly in the quartz, felspar and muscovite. Myrmekite is rare but vein and patch type of perthites are common. Wall zone of pegmatites comprises of common minerals with some muscovite and tourmaline; lepidolite, muscovite and cassiterite are main constituents of inter· mediate zone. The present study reveals that these pegmatites are of magmatic origin.
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Kuity and Shrivastava (1991). A study on the Pegmatites of Tongpal Area, Bastar District, M.P. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 4(1), pp.61-66.