Radioactive basic metavolcanics i.e. amphibolites of Bodal-Bhandaritola areas have been assigned Lower Proterozoic age of Nandgaon Group. Meso to epizonal reconstitution of acidic metavolcaoics as myolitic suites during polyphase tectonism with accompanying metamorphism, shearing and hydrothermal activity has resulted in the formation of ore grade amphiboite bodies. Uranium mineralisation is essentially restricted to shears trending N 18° E·S 18°W and N 40° W·S 400 E in Bhandaritola and Bodal respectively which transgress from amphibolite In the east to quartz porphyry in west. Peribatholithic contact of Dongargarh granite with the uraniterous amphibolite and quartz porphyry shows distinct effects of protoclasis aiding in enrichment of uranium (upto 8400 ppm) within host rocks. Notably an increase in uranium content shows an increase in Si. A1, total alkalies and Pb, but Mg. Ca. Fe, Mn, P20s show a concomitant decrease. While the trace elements (Ba.Rb, Sr, Ni. Zn and Cu) show an inconsistent and ersuc behaviour. It has been suggested that amphinbolites with higher Si, Al, total alkalies and Pb will be uraniferous, even though surface manifestation of uranium is poor or even lacking.
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Ral, Sinha, Parihar, Chaturvedi (1992). Genesis and behaviour of uranium in Pitepani basic Metavol-canics group around Bodal, Bhandaritola, District Rajnandgaon, M.P. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 5(1), pp.85-105.