Research Question: what are the risk fectors of Hypertension emong patiants ettending JA Group of Hospitals Gwalior
Objectives: To identify & the effects of risk factors for Hypartension
Design : Case- Control study
Setting : Blood Pressure Clinic of JA Group of Hospitals Gwalior
Participents : 60 cases end 60 controls (age and sex metched) attending outpatient clinic between September to Dac. 2004
Statistical analysis: Odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval, and Chi-square test.
Result: The following were found to be highly significant risk factors for hypertension: Obesity (OR 8.14), Diabetes (OR 10.29) Urbenization (OR 4.57), Stress (OR 7.41), Occuption professional (OR 3.27), High Serum Cholesterol (OR 14), Age 35 and more (OR 9.33). Physically inective (OR 6), and alcohol consumption (OR 4).
The association berween hypertension and sex, marital status, end smoking classes were not statistically significant. Conclusion : en attempt must be made through conceated efforts to evolve a behavior change communication among the larget population to reduce the identified risk factors.
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Agarwal, Mahajan, Tonpay and Agrawal (2007). Aasessment of Risk Factor for Hypertenaion In e Hospital in Gwalior. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 20(1), pp.31-37.