The nature and implications of the ground water level in Maijan Mathola area which is subjected to high rate of erosion have been described. The study area has been divided into four zones, east, west, north and south. The ground water level in the area is encountered between 0.56 and 2.82 Metres below ground level during monsoon period. A draw down between 0.45 and 1 .46 Metres is recorded during non-monsoon period. During monsoon period the ground water level is in the sandy soil layer in the east, west, and south zones, while it is in cohesive soil layer in the north zone. The ground water level during non-monsoon period was encountered in cohesive soil layer in the east and north zones and in sandy soil layer in the west and south zones. The difference in the ground water level, during monsoon and non-monsoon periods is due to high rainfall during monsoon period. As the bank slope of the Brahmaputra has cut across the ground water level it effects the slope stability resulting slope sloughing and erosion.
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Ahmad (1994). Role of Ground Water Level in the Erosional Problem of the Bramhaputra River Around Maijan and Mathola, Dibrugarh District Assam. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 7(1), pp. 29-36.