More than 50% people suffer from some heart disease in lndia in which the heart block. is most common heart disease. Some patients get proper clinical assistance in due course of time but some may not. due to lack of medical expertise. This merely happens in remote areas where there is always such problems can occur. This could be avoided if proper d~nical advice and treatment is made available to patients. A heart block is a disease in the electrical system of the heart. Hean block can cause fainting and palpitation. The heart functioning can be monitored by analyzing the electrical activities ~~through electrocardiogram (ECG). The paper focuses on the method of determination of second degree Heart Block conditir-n of a human heart from the speech analysis. In an ECG the PR interval represents the time taken for the depolarization to ::;pr.ead from the SA node to the ventricular muscle. If multiple P waves are obtained for a QRS complex, the second degree .\foart Block is found. As Formant Frequency is the speech feature which represents the physiological and psychological coi.dition of a human body. Formant analysis describes various heart parameters which are obtained through an ECG and so the detection of various heart diseases can be possible from speech analysis.
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Deshpande, Thakur and Zadgaonkar (2014). Assessment of Second Degree Heart Block from Speech Analysis. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 27(1), pp. 108-114.