The agricultural operational holding in India is about 1.15 ha and 85.01 per cent belongs to marginal holdings (below 2 ha). This data shows an economic condition of the Indian farmer, which doesn’t allow him to adopt advanced agricultural machineries. Considering the situation of Indian farmer, we developed a prototype of three row self-propelled zero till direct seeded rice planter cum fertilizer applicator. This machine helps to plant a dry rice seed along with the fertilizer application with zero tillage condition. The machine includes inclined plate metering mechanism for seed; cup feed metering mechanism for fertilizer, seed cum fertilizer hopper, ground wheel, depth control wheels, inverted T furrow openers, 5 hp engine as a prime mover, power transmission system, adjustable handle, lever and rigid main frame to support all the parts and drive wheels. Machine is divided into two parts viz., prime mover part and planter cum fertilizer applicator part. Both parts can be separated from each other. The machine places the rice seed up to average depth of 25-40 mm and spacing between hills is observed to be 130-160 mm along with an average 20 cm of row spacing. The average field capacity at an average speed of 2.3 km.h-1 is observed to be 0.115 ha.h-1 for operating rice seeds. The field efficiency is observed to be 86.9 per cent. The operational cost is observed to be around 69.28 per cent less than the manual planting of rice seedling and also the man hour’s requirement is very less than the manual planting.
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Bangale (2019). Development of Three Row Self-Propelled Zero till Direct Seeded Rice Planter Cum Fertilizer Applicator. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 32 (1), pp. 38-42.DOI: https://doi.org/10.52228/JRUB.2019-32-1-8
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