Spilanthes acmella (L.) Murray belonging to Asteraceae family is a rich source of alkamide spilanthol and possesses antiplasmodial, insecticidal and larvicidal properties thereby making it a potent source of antimalarial drug. In vitro conservation is an effective way for sustainable use of such important medicinal plant. Therefore, present study develops an in vitro conservation system for S. acmella using synseed technique. Nodal segments from in vitro proliferated shoots were encapsulated in caleium alginate beads and stored in dark at 26 and 4"C for a period of 2, 4 and 6 months. After every storage period synseeds were transferred to fresh MS media supplemented with 0.5mg/l to check its regrowth. Best gel complexation was achieved using 3% sodium alginate and 75mM calcium chloride with maximum percentage (68%) response of conversion of beads into plantlets on regrowth after 6 months storage at 26 "C. Regrowth ability of synseeds was affected by concentration of sodium alginate, calcium chloride, storage duration and presence or absence of MS salts in synseeds.
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