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Author(s): Manish M. Wanjari, Indu Sikarwar, Yadu Nandan Dey, Ajay Sharma, Sudesh Gaidhani, Ankush Jadhav

Email(s): umamahiauhoa.com

Address: National Research Institute for Ayurveda-Siddha Human Reuurce Development, Aamkho, Gwalior-474 009, Madhya Pradesh, India
Shri Ram College of Pharmacy, Hanmore - 476 444, Madhya Pradesh, India Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Ministry of AYUSIH New Delhi - 110 058, India.

Published In:   Volume - 29,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2016


The leaves of Chenopodium album Linn. are used in ethnomedicinal practices for correction of kidney diseases and urinary stones. The present work aimed to investigate effect of leaves of Chenopodium album on experimentally induced urolithiasis in rats. Urolithiasis was induced in rats by administration 0.75% vv of ethy lene glycol (EG) in distilled water. In addition, vehicle or methanolic (CAME) or aqueous (CAAE) extract of the leaves of Chenopodium album each in the dose 100, 200 and 400 mg kg or standard drug- Cystone (750 mg kg) were administered daily orally for 28 days. Urolithiasis was assessed by estimating biochemical parameters in urine, plasma and kidney tissue. Calcium oxalate deposits were also observed histologically. CAME or CAAE treatment (200 and 400 mg kg) significantly attenuated the EG induced elevations in the urine and plasma levels of calcium, phosphorus, urea, uric acid and creatinine along with decrease in urinary oxalate. The treatments also decreased renal tissue oxalate and deposition of oxalate crystals in kidney due to EG treatment. The effects of CAME and CAAE were comparable to cystone while the lower dose of extract (100mg/kg) was ineffective. The findings indicate the preventive effect of CAME and CAAE which may be due to inhibitory effect on crystallization and stone dissolution. The effect was attributed to the presence of phytochemicals like flavonoids and saponins in the extract. In conclusion, Chenopodium album leaves exhibited antilithiatic effect and validates its ethnomedicinal use in urinary stones and kidney disorders.

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