Abstract View

Author(s): Devshree Verma, Meena Sahu, KK Harris

Email(s): kkharis19@gmail.com

Address: Department of Zoology. Government DB Girls' PG College, Raipur - 492 001, India.

Published In:   Volume - 29,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2016


Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a genetic disorder and its management process concentrates mainly on the patient relief during the crisis stage. Many phytochemicals from plants are extensively used for this purpose.Phytochemical analyses of plants with antisickling properties are few. The present study deals with the proximate analyses and phytochemical analyses of extract from leaves, stems and fruits of Azadirachta indica. Proximate analysis of Azadirachta indica A. JUSS leaves, stem and fruits revealed dry matter 93.25%, 92.35%, 90.25%; moisture content 6.75%, 7.65%, 9.75%; ash 11.66%, 8.3%, 20%; crude fiber 20.75%,16.51%, 12.4%; fats 2.4%, 9.06%, 7.06% and proteins 5.61%, 8.55%, 13.43% respectively. Qualitative phytochemicalanalyses were positive for saponins, tannins, alkaloids flavonoids, phenols, anthraquinones, reducing sugars and terpenoids. Quantitative analyses of leaves, stems and fruits of Azadirachtaindica AJUSS. revealed total. phenolic compounds 5.2%,7.1%, 4.4%; alkaloids 3,7%,1.4%, 8.1%; flavonoids 10.1%, 4.9%, 20.1%; tannins 1.1%,0.53%, 0.45% and saponins 2.6%, 1.6%, 4.1% respectively. The results of proximate and phytochemical analyses for the leaves, stem and seeds of A. indica are discussed in the light of their antisickling properties.

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