Sikkim is considered to be a reservoir of indigenous knowledge and practices. The development of herbal medicines along with the increase in threats to biodiversity has necessaciated to document the traditional use of bioresources of Sikkim Himalayas. So, in this paper an attempt has been made to document various ethno pharmacological plants of Sikkim which are used in traditional medicine system by the local healers. To prepare a database data were collected from various sources for primary and secondary information through questionnaires and survey tours. Database was designed using modern IT Tools for data storage and interface designing respectively. On compilation of collected data of 90 ethno pharmacological plants in Sikkim, the major uses were found to be for the treatment of ailments like fever, cold and cough, fracture, epilepsy, gastritis, sprains, wounds and cuts, constipation, burns Jaundice, sinus, etc. Some of the plants used for the treatment of fever are boiled stem or leaves of Swetia Chirayita or Azardirachta indica. Juice of mixture of Mangifera indica, Artocarpus heterophyllus, Oroxylum indicum, Passiflora nepalensis, Cynodon dactylon and Cuscuta reflexa is consumed for I week for the treatment of Jaundice. Similarly. Pneumonia is cured by consuming the seed powder of Oroxylum indicum with water for 2 days. Thus, this study can help in the setting up the health care system in rural areas as well as in the conservation of traditional knowledge and practices for the future generations.
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