Abstract View

Author(s): Sonam S Gonnade, PR Itankar, SK Prasad

Email(s): gonnadesonam@gmail.com

Address: Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, RashtrasantTukadojiMaharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur - 440 033, India.

Published In:   Volume - 29,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2016


Asthma comes from a Greek word meaning panting' or 'breathless'. It is a disease of the bronchial tubes that typically presents with wheezing, shortness of breath coughing, particularly in children. Asthma is an allergic reaction triggering inflammation and narrowing of the airways, causing spasm and difficulty in breathing. The Three main types of asthma are extrinsic asthma, intrinsic asthma and mixcd asthma. Asthma is a respiratory disorder caused by allergic hypersensitivity reactions. It occurs in 3 to 5% in all the people during their life span. It is a discase that does not respect the boundaries of age, race, gender and 5000 deaths occurring annually. The hertbal plants have comparatively less toxic values and are more efficacious. Some of herbal drugs with proven antiasthmatic and related beneficial effects used in treatment of Asthma are cow urine, Terminalia belerica and honey. Present work is aimed to standardize and to evaluate the anti- asthmatic activity of formulation BIBHITAKAVALEH containing these herbs. In house formulation and the marketed formulations are evaluated for their physicochemical parameters like Organoleptic characters, Total Ash value, Extractive value, Loss on Drying. The study also covers HPTLC fingerprinting, HPLC studies against the markers followed by in vivo studies usinglsolated goat tracheal chain preparation model for establishing its antiashthamatic potential as per the ancient literature of Ayurveda.

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