B K Senapati, P K Panigrahi
Telogy Section, Schol of Life Sciences Sambulpur University, Jyoti Vihar 768019, Sambalpur, Odisha, India
Tavirnment Manaprment A Laboratory Operation Technlogy Division, Tata Refractories Lad. Belpahar-768 218. harepuda Di, Olisha. India.
Published In:
Volume - 29,
Issue - 1,
Year - 2016
ea in biological term is Camellia sinensisL) O. Kuntze. Economically speaking. tea is a cash crop while eculogically it is one of the ancient agroforestry systems (maintained for more than 100 years) in India, is one of the major cash cnp in India cultivated in about 4, 28,000 ha of land. India is the largest tea producer and consumer in the world. Tea direcily employs 3 million families in the plantations and provides indirect employment to about two million people. Commercially tea contributes 5.27% share in GNP in India. Tea is important as a drink and for its medicinal properties. Innovative soil management technology, "Fertilisation Bio-organique Technology" (FBO technology) has been developed in India in close collaboration of Sambalpur University, University of Paris-VI and Parry Agro Industries Lid. Tea analytical parameters like Theaflavin (TF). Thearubigen (TR), highly polymerised substances (HPS), Total liquor colour (TLC), Thea- pigment value (TPV). Thea pipment ratio (TPR). Colour index (CI) and Brightness index (BI) were measured. Implementation of FBO technology has indicated tea quality improvement through soil restoration. Restoration of degraded soil through conservation, fertility. plant production and economic benefit by facilitating synergy between soil biota and organic matter diversity has been demonstrated with application of this technology. The flavonoids are mainly responsible for quality and aroma of the tea. High polyphenol content of tea is mainly attributed lowards positive health effects. Flavonoids are highly antionidant in nature and they protect cells from reactive oxygen species. Application of FBO' patent has indicated lea quality & quantity improvement. Basic mechanismsinvolved in improvement of tea quality & production through FBO' technology could be synerEy between soil organism and organic matter diversity reflected in biophysical & biochemical improvement of the system. Energy management might be the cluefor improvement of quality to maintain level of medicinal values of the plant.
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