Ideally visible deformity should be close to zero but because of certain misconception there is delay in diagnosis and menegement of reaction and nuritis cases leeds to deformity. To bridge this gep of knowledge and skill TLM has launched a pilot project for capacity building of General Health Care staff (GHCs) about prevention of impairment and disability due to leprosy. There is improvement in the knowledge and skills of GHC staff about Lepre reections and neuritis. Now GHC staff are diagnosing lepra reaction and new latest cases as an early stage and managing more appropriately and referring the needy to referral centres. This certainly helps in prevention of impairment and disability in spite of certain lacunae noticed, training imperted and disability is satisfactory so it should be extended to other states and districts also.
Cite this article:
Bansal and Sharma (2007). Prevention of Impairment and Disability due to Leprosy in India. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 20(1), pp.49-54.