Using a common fixed point theorem of Naseer Shahzad [Rad. Mat. 10 (2001), 77] for non-commuting mappings, we improve and extend several known results (including those of I. Beg, N. Shahzad and M. Iqbal [Approx. Theory and Appl. 8 (1992), 97], 8. Brosowski [Mathematica (cluj) 11(1969),195], T.L.Hicks and M.O.Humphries [J. Approx. Theory 34 (1982), 221], Abdul-Rahim Khan, Arjamand Sano and Nawab Hussain [Int. J, Pure Appl. Math. 2 (2002), 411]. G.Meinardus [Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 14 {1963), 301], Asia Naz [Radovi Matematicki, 10(2001), 203). Salem A. Sahab and M.S. Khan [Review of Research, 17(1987), 143; Bull. Institute Math. Acad. Sinica 17 (1989), 75], Salem A. Sahab,M.S. Khan and S. Sessa [J. Approx. Theory 55 {1988), 349], Naseer Shahzad [Tamkang J. Math. 29(1998), 223] and S.P.Singh [J. Approx. Theory 25 (1979), 89; Applied Nonlinear Analysis (Ed. V. Lakshmikanathan), Academic Press, New York (1979), 389]) on common fixed points of commuting and non-commuting mappings and bast approximation.
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Narang (2007). Best Approximation And Common Fixed Points Of Non-Commuting Mappings. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 20(1), pp.25-30.