Diwakar Shukla, Jayant Dubey
Email ID Not Available
Department of Mathematics and Statistics. Dr. H.S.Gour Vishwavidyalaya Sagar (M.P.). 470003, INDIA
"ICFAI National College. Civil lines, Sagar (M.P.). 470001. INDIA
Published In:
Volume - 18,
Issue - 1,
Year - 2005
Not Available
In usual stratified design, it is assume that strata sizes are known as well as strata frames are also available. When frames are unknown the post-stratification is only solution. Agrawal and Panda (1993) have suggested efficient estimator for the population mean under the post stratified set-up. Shukla and Dubey (2001) have considered a mail survey design under the nonresponse set-up and proposed a PSNR strategy for estimating the population mean. Sometimes, the response between strata has a pattern like the strata of farmers has no response but the strata of students generates cent-percent response. This pattern. if priory known. could be utilized in estimation strategies. This paper exploits information of response pattern and presents PSNR sampling scheme with the grouping of strata under the case of complete response and complete nonresponse. An estimation strategy is constituted for the population mean and its variance is derived. A cost strategy is proposed and numerically supported by the data base studies.
Cite this article:
Shukla, Dubey (2005). Mean Estimation in Presence of Groupin of Strata Based on Response Pattern. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 18(1), pp.69-82.