On analysis of 1he collected data from 319 (171 Males and ,..148 females) Medical Students, reveal that majority of students had knowledge about the cause. prevention and the various possible routes of transmission of H.l.V. Though sex is essential for majority of students but· less than 5% were ready to take risk for AIDS by having sex with an attractive stranger. As the professional goes high, percentage of studnets goes up who have correct knowledge about various aspects of AIDS. On further exploration of the data as per sex, ashade better percentage of female students in comparison to their counterparts males had correct knowledge about most of the aspects of AIDS.
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Agarwal, Agarwal, Mahajan, Upadhyay and Agarwal (1998). Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Medical undergraduates about AIDS and Human Sexuality. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 11(1), pp.51-58.