Data on marriage age and distance among 144 ever-married Muria couples from a village Sambalpur in Bastar District were collected during the year 1986-87 and analysed for the present purpose. The mean marriage age among the Muria males was found to be 20.35±0.19 and that of the females 16.93± 0.90. Highest frequency (40.28%) of marriage. among the Muria was found to take place within the. range of 10 kms. Statistically, the mean marriage distance was found to be 11.07 ± 1.20 km. Only % marriage took place within the village. The present result was compared with other population groups of India.
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Guha and Basu (1989). Age at marriage and distance among the Muri as a primitive tribe of Madhya Pradesh. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 2(1), pp. 10-17.