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Author(s): Noorshama Parveen, Babita Pande, Arti Parganiha


Address: School of Life Science, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University,Raipur - 492010, India
Center for Translational Chronobiology, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur - 492010, India.

Published In:   Volume - 30,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2017

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Parveen, Pande and Parganiha (2017). Effect of Socio- Demographic Factors on Performance of Adolescents on Intelligence Task and S hort- interval Time E stimation. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 30(1), pp.118-129.

Journal of Ravishankar University-B, 30 (I &II), 118-129 (2017)

Effect of Socio- Demographic Factors on Performance of Adolescents on Intelligence Task and S hort- interval Time E stimation

Noorshama Parveen, Babita Pande and Arti Parganiha

School of Life Science, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University,Raipur - 492010, India.

Center for Translational Chronobiology, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur - 492010, India.

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[Received 16 December 2017; accepted 07 February 2018]

Abstract: We aimed to examine the effects of socio- demographic factors on performance of adolescents on intelligence (intelligence quotient IQ) task and short interval time estimation. 207 healthy randomly selected adolescent including male and females voluntarily. Participated in the study. Performance on IQ task was tested using Pass Along Test. Adolescent also produced 10s interval prospectively. A significant gender difference was obtained in IQ score. The IQ score of high school students was higher than higher secondary. Adolescent belonging to join family estimated 10-s interval near to accuracy than nuclear family. IQ score exhibited a significant negative correlation with age and chronotype, and a positive association with sunlight exposure duration. The 10-s estimation was positively correlated with body mass index (BMI). The socio- demographic factors, chronotype, and sunlight exposure scem to be the confounding modulators of the cognitive attribute IQ. The family structure and BMI might manipulate the time perception.

Keywords: Intelligence quotient, short- interval time estimation, pass along test, socio- demographic, body mass index, chronotype

NOTE: Full version of this manuscript is available in PDF.

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