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Kanakamany, Beena and Sindhu (2016). Performance of Neelamari (Indigofera tinctoria L) Accessions in Different Locations. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 29(1), pp.93.
Performance of
Neelamari (Indigofera tinctoria L) Accessions in Different Locations
MT Kanakamany, C Beena and PV
AICRP on MAP & B, College of
Horticulture. Kerala Agricultural University, KAU PO, Vellanikkara. Thrissur
Dt. Kerala.PIN 680 656
Corresponding author email:
01 January 2016, accepted 28 January 2016]
Abstract: Neelamari
(Indigofera tinctoria L.) is a medicinal shrub used against bronchitis,
asthama, ulcers and skin diseases. The root, stem and leaves are bitter,
laxative, expectorant and anthelminthic. It is an important herb used in the
preparation of Neelibrungadi, the famous hair care oil also. With increasing
global demand for plant derived medicines, good quality raw drug materials also
are in high demand. Hence there is an urgent need to conserve our native plant
resources and ensure availability of good quality raw materials. In this
context a study was undertaken at All India Coordinated Research Project on
Medicinal Aromatic Plants and Betel Vine (AICRP on MAP & B), Kerala
Agricultural University, Thrissur Centre and we collected nineteen accessions
from different parts of Kerala and field evaluated. From these four promising
accessions were selected having better herbage yield and indican content based
on the performance in our experimental field. These promising accessions were
evaluated in farmers filed over three different locations as Multilocational
Trial for further selection along with a local check for comparison. The
results of the study revealed that accession number ICRIT-4 and ICRIT -14 were
on par with highest herbage yield and better indican content which we can
recommend for cultivation in farmers field.
Keywords: Neelamari, Indigofera tinctoria, Pooled analysis