Shiv Bahadur, Amit Kar, S K Milan Ahmmed, Ranjit K Harwansh, Pulok K Mukherjee
School of Natural Product Studies, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Jadavpur University, Kolkata 700 012, India.
Published In:
Volume - 29,
Issue - 1,
Year - 2016
Cite this article:
Bahadur, Kar, Ahmmed, Harwansh and Mukherjee (2016). Safety Evaluation of Tinospora cordifolia Through CYP450 Enzyme Inhibition Assay. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 29(1), pp.70.
Evaluation of Tinospora cordifolia Through CYP450 Enzyme Inhibition Assay
Shiv Bahadur, Amit Kar, SK Milan
Ahmmed, Ranjit K Harwansh and Pulok K Mukherjee
School of Natural Product
Studies, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Jadavpur University, Kolkata
700 012, Inda
author email:
19 January 2016, accepted 29 January 2016]
Abstract: Tinospora
cordifolia is being used from a long time for the treatment of several diseases
in Indian system of medicine. In the present study the inhibition potential of
Tinospora cordifolia extracts and its constituent tinosporaside to cause
herb-drug interactions through rat and human liver cytochrome enzymes was
evaluated. Further metals content was estimated through atomic absorption
spectroscopy. Bioactive compound was quantified through RP-HPLC, in order to
standardize the plant extract. Interaction potential of the test samples were
evaluated by CYP450-carbonmonoxide complex (CYP450-CO) assay with pooled rat
liver microsome. Influence on individual recombinant human liver microsomes
such as CYPJA4, CYP2D6, CYP2C9 and CYPIA2 isozymes were analyzed through
fluorescence microplate screening assay and respective IC values were
determined. The content of tinosporaside was found to be 1.64% (w/w) in
Tinospora cordifolia extract. Concentration dependent inhibition was observed through
Tinospora cordifolia extract. Observed IC (ug/ml) value were 136 45 (CYPJA4),
144.37 (CYP2D6). 127.55 (CYP2C9) and 141.82 (CYPIA2). Tinosporaside and extract
showed higher IC (ug/ml) value than the known inhibitors. Heavy metals were
found to be within the prescribed limits as per WHO and US-FDA guidelines.
Plant extract showed significantly higher IC value than respective positive
inhibitors against CYPJA4, 2D6, 2C9 and IA2 isozymes. Present study concluded
that consumption of Tinospora cordifolia may not cause any adverse effects when
consumed along with other xenobiotics.
Keywords: Human liver
microsome, RP-HPLC. Tinosporaside, CYP450, Tinospora cordifolia