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Author(s): A K Jäger


Address: Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology, Universitet sparken 2. 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark.

Published In:   Volume - 29,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2016

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Jäger (2016). Finding the World's Best Plants for Management of Type-2 Diabetes. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 29(1), pp.23.


Finding the World's Best Plants for Management of Type-2 Diabetes

A K Jäger

Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology, Universitet sparken 2. 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark

Corresponding author email: anna.jager@

[Received 05 January 2016]

Abstract: The number of people afflicted by type-2 diabetes is rapidly increasing 382 million people in the world are estimated to have type-2 diabetes today. In Denmark, more than 20 % of the population is afflicted, meaning that one in four adults is affected. Currently, there are very few herbal products on the marked in Denmark for management of type-2 diabetes. This prompted the aim of identifying the best plants in the world for the various targets involved in type-2 diabetes. Our research takes its starting point in ethnopharmacological rescarch already performed, mining results, selecting the most promising candidates, then evaluating them in our lab for activity on type-2 diabetes targets, to find the truly promising plants. Preclinical data are required if herbal products are to be registered with the health authorities, and thereby becoming available for the patients.

Keywords: Diabetes, Ethnopharmacology

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