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Author(s): Rakhi Sarpate, Priyanka Bhaisare, Poonam Patil, Arti Shanware


Address: Gurunanak College of pharmacy, Deepak Nagar, Behind CP. Foundary, Nari Road, Nagpur 440 026, India
Rajiv Gandhi Biotechnology Center, Larminarayan Institute of Technology, Amravati Road, Nagpur - 440 026, India.

Published In:   Volume - 29,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2016

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Sarpate, Bhaisare, Patil and Shanware (2016). Evaluation of Anti-Microbial Activity of Flavonoid Rich Fraction of Aerial Parts of the Plant Bridelia retusa Spreng. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 29(1), pp.190.


Evaluation of Anti-Microbial Activity of Flavonoid Rich Fraction of Aerial Parts of the Plant Bridelia retusa Spreng

Rakhi Sarpate, Priyanka Bhaisare, Poonam Patil and Arti Shanware

Gurunanak College of pharmacy, Deepak Nagar, Behind CP. Foundary, Nari Road, Nagpur 440 026, India

Rajiv Gandhi Biotechnology Center, Larminarayan Institute of Technology, Amravati Road, Nagpur - 440 026, India

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[Received 15 January 2016, accepted 29 January 2016]

Abstract: The plant Bridelia retusa spreng belonging to the family Euphorbiaceae is commonly known as Patharphod, khaja has long been used in traditional system of medicine as astringent, anthelmintic and in many skin infections. The bark with gingili oil is much used as liniment in rheumatism. Several compounds including flavonoids, lignans, polyphenols, alkaloids, triterpenes were isolated from these plants & some of them interacts with most of the key enzymes. Various pharmacological studies were carried out with the extracts & purified compounds. The survey of literature has revealed that the flavonoid rich fraction of the plant has not been investigated for the anti-microbiabacterial activity. The acerial parts of B. retusawere collected from the local Nagpur region. It was identified by the Department of Botany, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur with the help of authentic herbarium species. In the present investigationsthe material was dried in shade and then coarsely powdered and was used for the extraction of total flavonoid fraction. The dried acrial part was defatted with the help of petroleum ether (60-80") & the marc was used to isolate flavonoid rich fraction. The flavonoid rich fraction was evaluated qualitatively for the presence of flavonoid with the help of preliminary Phytochemical test and Thin Layer Chromatography. The fraction was then evaluated for the anti-microbial activity with the help of Gram-positive, Gram- negative bacteria and Fungi.

Keywords: Bridelia retusa, Flavonoids, Thin Layer Chromatography, Anti-microbial activity

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