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Katiyar (2016). Phytopharmaceutical: A New Class of Drug. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 29(1), pp.32.
A New Class of Drug
C K Katiyar
CEO (Technical), Email Lad.
Kolkata, India
Corresponding author email: ck.katiyar@
emamigroup com
15 January 2016)
Abstract: Herbal drugs
have occupied a privileged position in India for centuries in various
formulations of traditional medicines. Along with the tradition it also has
brought faith and trust based evidence of efficacy and safety to the common
perception However, present day consumers with analytical thinking have started
asking questions about the validation and authenticity of faith based claims.
Thus there is a necd for generating scientific evidence not only for efficacy
but also for safety of herbal drugs. Highly protectionist environment for
traditional medicines in India has been counterproductive and the major
stakeholders of ancient Indian Systems of Medicine (ISM) like Ayurveda have
taken refuge of traditional use for how not to do validation of claims on
safety and efficacy. Full potential of herbal drugs by Ayurvedic industry still
remains unexploited. On the other hand in case of RAD based Pharmaceuticals the
investment on R&D has suddenly dropped due to high risk discovery expenses
and lower productivity. Ministry of Health, Govt of India have recently introduced
a New Class of Drugs called Phytopharmaceuticals PPh), this would be included
under rule 122E of the Drugs and Cosmetics Acts and Rules as new (Allopathic)
drug. It would be developed broadly on the same guidelines as are applicable
for synthetic drugs Phytopharmaceutical drugs have been differentiated from
Ayurvedic. Siddha and Unani (ASU) Drugs by definition. While whole plant and
its whole extracts would remain under the ambit of ASU, their furtherfractions
with minimum 4 isolated bioastive or marker compounds would constitute a
l'hytopharaceuical drug. Emergence of this new class of drue is likely to boost
research and development activity in this sector by RAD based Pharmaceutical
companies as wel as public funded Rscarch institutes like CSIR. This move of
the Govt of imaia Is expected to boost the sector of plant based medicines
TEkann ts anl would provide a policy initiated impetus. Being new venture, lot
of efforts would be required to create awareness about this new development
among various stake holders including Pharma and Ayush industry besides among
the public funded Research Institutes as well as academic institutions.
Keywords: Herbal
drugs, Ayurveda