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Kumbhare (2016). To Conserve & Propagate Rare, Endangered & Threatened Species of Indian Medicinal Plants. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 29(1), pp.131.
To Conserve
& Propagate Rare, Endangered & Threatened Species of Indian Medicinal
Himangi Kumbhare
Shri Shankaracharya Group of
Institutions, Bhilai - 490 024, India
Corresponding author email:
01 January 2016, accepted 28 January 2016]
Abstract: This
manuscript is a review of a number of ethnobotany and ethnopharmacology texts
and papers in order to arrive at current understanding and scope of ethnobotany
and ethnopharmacology. It includes either a brief definition of both fields and
presenting some examples on them. There are 35 shrubs of Medicinal plants were
collected from various parts of INDIA and introduced in Herbal Garden for their
further multiplication and for conservation purpose. Mostly seeds are used to
propagate the plants whereas older stem cutting also found to be suitable for
above purpose. Plant propagates like Seeds, Stem cutting. Rhizome etc are
selected on the basis of their maturity and health. Medicinal plants occupy a
vital sector of health care system in India. The dedicated medicinal plants are
used by various people to cure different ailments including simple injuries,
wounds, cuts, fever, diarrhoea, ulcers, swelling. bone fractures, antidote,
skin care, night blindness, toothache, asthma, cough & cold.
Keywords: Ethnobotany,
Medicinal plant, Herbal garden