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Bajaj, Taunk and Tomar (2016). Weeds Diversity and their Ethnomedicinal Uses in Durg District of Chhattisgarh. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 29(1), pp.117-118.
Weeds Diversity
and their Ethnomedicinal Uses in Durg District of Chhattisgarh
Sakshi Tiwari Bajaj, SK Taunk and
GS Tomar
Department of Agronomy, Indira
Gandhi Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Raipur -492 006, India
Corresponding author email: sakshitiwari77@
15 January 2016, accepted 30 January 2016]
Abstract: Quite a
number of plants, considered as weeds in agricultural science, have significant
value in ethno-botany. Many of these naturally growing plants are not really
"unwanted" in the light of traditional herbal medicines. The weeds
can be useful to the society if their individual usefulness and identity is
conformed. The present study was carried out to document the medicinal uses of
the weeds infesting the crop land and non-cropped area of Durg district of
Chhattisgarh, which will be helpful to rural masses as well as scientists for
future research work. An ethnobatanical survey of different areas of both
cultivated and uncultivated areas of three blocks (Dhamda, Patan and Durg) of
Durg district of Chhattisgarh was conducted during 2014-15 to collect
identified and preserved the weeds which have therapeutic values. The
information regarding the local name of weeds, plant parts used, and name of
the diseases cured and the process of administration were collected with the
help of farmers, rural people, Vaidyas (Baigas) and aged elders of the village.
The identification of each. plant was
done with the help of various floras and the authentic literature on taxonomy.
The present study revealed the occurrence of 66 weed species belonging to 51
genera and 33 families found associated with the major crops of kharif season
and non-cropped area. Out of these weeds, 44 weed species under 32 genera
belonging to 22 families have been identified which are traditionally used by
the local people for the treatment of various ailment and disorders of human as
well as domestic animals. Some of the potential and widely used weeds found in
the studied area includes Latjira (Achyranthus aspera ) used as appetiser and
body building: Bathua (Chenopodium album), used to improve appetite, abdominal
pains; Bhuiaounla (Phyllanthus amarus ) to cure jaundice, constipation, ulcers
and wounds; Doob (Cynodon dactylon), used as antihaemorrhagic, in dysentery and
nasal bleeding: Motha (Cyperus rotundus), roots are useful in dysentery,
vomiting. epilepsy: Dudhi (Euphorbia hirta) used for the treatment of asthma,
skin disease, fever and cough: Sahadevi (Ageratum conycoides) for kidney
stones, cuts, wound and ulcers; Satyanasi (Argemone mexicana) used to cure skin
diseases, itching. constipation, colic, fever.
Ehnomedicinal study, Durg. Chhattisgarh