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Sharma and Rajput (2014). Nutritional Status, Reproductive Behaviour and Prenatal Health Care Practices among the Bhoksa Tribal Women of Rishikesh Block of Dehradun District, Uttarakhand. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 27(1), pp. 78-81.
of Ravishankar University Vol. 27 No. B (Science) 2014 PP 78-81
ISSN 0970-5910
Status, Reproductive Behaviour and Prenatal Health Care Practices among the
Bhoksa Tribal Women of Rishikesh Block of Dehradun District, Uttarakhand
Sharma* and Preeti Rajput
Department of Anthropology, Dr.
Hari Singh Gour Vishwavidyalya, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, India
[Received 30 March 2014; revised version received 15
April 2014; accepted 17 April 2014)
Abstract. Nutritional status,
fertility & mortality profile and health care practices are
important parameters f'.or the
assessment of health status of any community. Women are the main
component of
any society. Their health status is related with the development of the nation.
Studies on tribal women have a significant for the overall development in their
society. Present study has been carried out on Bhoksa tribal women of Dehradun
district of Uttarakhand. The findings reveal th~;r. only 55% of the women were
in normal state of nutrition. Total living children were 96.30%. Reproductive wastage rm:e per thousand
pregnancieswas 13.51; general fertility
rate for live irths per woman was 4.05; number of live births per
pregnancies was 176.58; Jiving children
per woman was 3.9; whereas number of living children per thousand pregn..ncies was 962.96.
85 percent of the women had knowledge for prevention from AlDS.
Concerning modes for prevention from AIDS, 54 percent said safe sex as a mode
of prevention, 10 percent said blood test before transfusion, 15 percent said
use of unsterilized needle; whereas 5 percent said no pregnancy is the best to
prevent. The prenatal care among women was partially satisfactory.
Keywords: Nutritional status, reproductive behaviour,
prenatal health care, Bhoksa tribal women, Dehradun
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