Cite this article:
Nivas (2005). Almost r-para contact Structure in Tangent Bundle. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 18(1), pp.3-40.
Journal of Ravishankar
University Vol.18 No. B(Science) 2005 pp 31·40
ISSN 0970-5910
Almost r-para contact Structure
in Tangent Bundle
Ram Nivas
Deptt. of Mathematics & Astronomy, University of Lucknow,
Lucknow (U.P.) INDlA.
Ms Received : 25·03·2005
: 03-08·2005
Abstract : Almost
contact and almost complex structures in the tangent
bundle have been studied by Professors
Yano, Ishihara [7] and others. In the present
paper, we have studied
almost r-para contact structure in the tangent bundle. Some results
related to Lie-derivative have been studied.
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of this manuscript is available in PDF.