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Gupta and Deshmukh (2002). A system with post repair and fast repair working with varying workload. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 15(1), pp.59-69.
of Ravishankar University Vol. 15-16
No.B (Science) 2002-2003 pp 59-69
ISSN 0970·5910
A system with
post repair and
fast repair working with varying workload
Praveen Gupta and Kirti Deshmukh
School of Studies in Statistics, Vikram University, Ujjain (M.P.) - 456010, India.
MS: Received: 11/3/2002 Revised d : 22/812002 Accepted : 5/5/2003
Abstract: A two-identical-unit deteriorating standby
system with post repair and fast
repair by varying workload
is considered. The workload of the system
increases and decreases at random time points. The unit may fail during operation or as standby. The repair time distributions are arbitrary. Using
the technique of regenerative points with Markove renewal process,
several important measures
of relibility are obtained.
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