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Author(s): M.S. Gupta

Email(s): Email ID Not Available

Address: Directorate of Higher Education. Government of Chhattishgarh, Govt. Science College Campus-4, G.E. Road, Raipur-492010, India.

Published In:   Volume - 14,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2001

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Gupta (2001). Dispersion behavior of radio frequency waves in ion cyclotron frequency range of Aditya Takamak plasma. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 14(1), pp.64-79.

Journal of  Ravishankar University Vol. 14  No. B (Science) 2001   pp 64-79 ISSN  0970-5910 

Dispersion behavior of radio frequency waves in ion cyclotron frequency range of Aditya Takamak plasma

M.S. Gupta

Directorate of  Higher Education. Government of Chhattishgarh, Govt. Science College Campus-4,

G.E.  Road, Raipur-492010, India

Abstract :  Stix's, T. H .[1] has already derived·the dispersion relation for two dimension  at propagation   of low frequency   waves in ion cyclotron frequency  range for cold as well as warm  plasma.   These   ispersion   relations have been derived for wave propagation   in parallel and perpendicular   direction to the magnetic field.   Here we have derived a general dispersion   relation for fusion plasma With hydrogen ions.   electrons, and   deuterium with few approximations.   Theoretically   we have studied   the   case of angular propaqation to the magnetic field   within    broad range of Aditya  tokamak  parameters. During the numerical calculation, we have considered   two cases k II Bo and k J.. Bo and roots have been discussed on varying    the f requency,

Keywords   :  Ion Qyclotron  Resonance   -Heatinq   ·;   Radio  Frequency  Waves; Tokamak

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