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Tiwari, Naidu, Agarkar and Tiwary (2001). Application Of Ferroelectric Triglycine Selenate As Alcohol Sensor. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 14(1), pp.1-12.
of Ravishankar University Vol.14 No. B (Science) 2001 pp· 1-12 ISSN
Of Ferroelectric Triglycine Selenate As Alcohol Sensor
K. Tiwari, Vasant Naidu, Namita Agarkar and H. V. Tiwary
of studies in Electronics, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University,
010, C.G.,
"Barkatullan University,
Bhopal-462 026, M.P. India
Ms : Received : 21
/112001, Revised : 18/9/2001,
Accepted : 30/1/2002
Abstrac : This is simple and highly sensitive method
for the letermination and
discrimination of alcohols
at ppm level. This sensing is
based on change in electrical conductivities and capacitance due to
chemi-adsorption of alcohols at' the surface of triglycine selenate (TGSe) in a
small duration of response time. This paper deals with the cheml-adsorption of
alcohol vapours and give rise to the
gas-solid phase interaction with tri glycine
selenate pellet as the function· of alcohol vapour concentration in air with
Its ambient leading to act as an alchol sensor.
Keywords; Triglycine selanate (TGSe), ferroelectric sensors, alcohol and ethyl alcohol
NOTE: Full version of this manuscript is available in PDF.