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Agrawal, Mahajan and Worwankar (2000). Knowledge And Attitudes Regarding Reproductive Health In Adolescent School Girls Of Gwalior. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 13(1), pp.40-47.
Journal of Ravishankar
University Vol.13 No. B (Science) 2000 pp 40-47 ISSN 0970-5910
Knowledge And Attitudes Regarding Reproductive
Health In
Adolescent School Girls Of Gwalior
Agrawal' P.C.
Mahajan and K.Worwankar
G.R.Medical College, Gwalior (M.P.) 474009
Ms : Received :
22/5/2000, Revised :20/12/200, Acepled : 30/12/2000
Abstract : In the Present
girls , the number of girls
who indentified the female reproductive organs and aware of functions of organs was higher than those who identified the male reproductive organs and
their functions . 66.47% students said that they were not
aware about menstruation prior
to onset of their own menstrual cycles . Only 25% of girls
had knowledge about erection and eiaculation in males. 18.23% were knowing function
of seminal fluid and 24% were aware of fertilization Knowledge of
conception in relation to menses was
scanty, only 6.56%
were of that. Students knowing that father is responsible for the sex of unborn child
15.88%. 58% of them indentified AIDS as STD and the knowledge about
other RTl's and STD's was negligible.The attitude of the students towards sex with multiple partners and premarital sex was of disagreement in majority.
The conclusion
derived was that the adolescent school girls are either ignorant
or have some misconceptions about reproductive health and need an effective sexual and reproductive health education programme.
NOTE: Full version
of this manuscript is available in PDF.