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Koley (1996). The LH-Specificity in the Brahmin Patients with Diabetes Mellitus in Sagar (M.P.). Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 9(1), pp. 25-30.
Journal of Ravishankar University Vol. 9 No. B(Science) 1996 pp. 25- 30 ISSN 0970-591O
The LH-Specificity in the Brahmin Patients with Diabetes
Mellitus in Sagar (M.P.)
Shyamal Koley
Department of Human
Genetics, Guru Nanak Dev University,
Amritsar 143 005, Panjab, India
M.S: Received 2.7.94; Revised: 24.6.95; Accepted: 20.8.95.
Abstract: The LH-specificity refers to weak (LH-negative) or strong
(LH-positive) agglutination of
erythrocytes obtained with the lectin
from Erythrine lithosperma. The LH status of patients with diabetes mellitus has been estimated by this
anti- LH lectin. Blood samples from confirmed cases
of diabetes mellitus (n=146) were typed both for the ABO blood groups and the LH specificity and compared with an
appropriate control. The results indicate that as against normal individuals the Brahmin patients with
this disease are significantly LH-negative (P < 0.05) and the implications of
these results have been discussed.
Key words: LH specificity, ABO bloodgroups, Lectin, diabetes mellitus, Brahmin.
NOTE: Full version
of this manuscript is available in PDF.