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Lal, Meshram, Sai, Yaduvanshi, Shrivastava, and Zadgaonkar (1989). Instrumentation system for determination of vocal track shape. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-B: Science), 2(1), pp. 39-46.
Journal of Ravishankar
University. Vol. 2.'No. B. 1989,pp. 39-46
Instrumentation system for determination
of vocal track shape
Lal, HK Meshram, VK Sai, A Yaduvanshi, S Shrivastava and AS Zadgaonkar
Department of Electrical Engineering, Govt. Engineering College, Raipur (M P)
MS: received 10 March 89; revised 8 June 89
Abstract. In the past few decades, a considerable amount of speech research has
been directed towards the development of a simple description of speech events and its automatic recognition. This research has stimulated interest among engineers and led to band-width compression of speech for communication purposes and
speech therapists. In the present
paper, the
use of these acoustic
events in determining
vocal track configuration of human being is reported. The authors have developed an instrumentation system which is based upon the principle of
frequency counting. These counts of formant frequency of speech events are used 10 determine the
vocal track
shape. This device is capable of determining the frequencies upto Fs level. Further with the help of this device normal and abnormal conditions of vocal track can be studied. It is suggested that the functioning of system may be useful to
phoneticians, linguists and communication engineers.
Keywords: Frequency; vocal track; speech.
NOTE: Full version of this manuscript is available in PDF.